The Catholic Church practices 7 sacraments, from birth through death. The church of Sacred Heart is happy to assist you or your loved ones with receiving them. They are Baptism, First Holy Communion, Reconciliation, Confirmation, Marriage, Annointing of the Sick and Holy Orders. Please contact us for more information, 518-274-1363.
BAPTISIM: By receiving the sacrament of Baptism, institued by Jesus Christ Himself, you acknowlegie the acceptace of yourself or your child into the family of Jesus, God, the Father and the Holy Spirit and the Catholic faith. Adults, see RICIA below.
FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: The Catholic Church requires all Catholic to receive the sacrament of First Holy Communion in order to receive the Eucharist at the celebration of the mass. Catechism classes for children gives them knowlege of our faith and prepares them for the sacrament of First Holy Communion. Classes are held on Sunday mornings in between masses and culminates in a First Holy Communion ceremony at the 10:30 Mass in June. Please inquire at our office at 518-274-1363 or our Faith Formation Coordinator at 518-274-1363 X 22 or [email protected]. Adults see RCIA below.
RECONCILIATION:: It is important to be in a state of grace when you receive the Eucharist. The church recommends all Catholics go to confession at least once a year, and particularly before Easter. Confessions are currently by appointment only. Please call our office at 518-274-1363 to make an appointment with Father Yanas.
CONFIRMATION: Several years after First Holy Communion, is most often when young Catholics study for and receive the sacrament of Confirmation to increase the gifts of the Holy Spirit in their soul and being: Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety and Fear of God. It is performed with a group of recipients by the Bishop Scharfenberger.
MARRIAGE: Engaged couples seeking a Sacramental Marriage at Sacred Heart are required to complete Sacred Heart’s Marriage Preparation course. The course entails four sessions of approximately two hours each, and two meetings with the Sacred Heart Pastor. Please call the Rectory for an appointment at least six months in advance of the wedding date. See more information below.
HOLY ORDERS: Some are called for the very special mission of priesthood or sisterhood. To discuss this with our Pastor to get further guidance, please call Fr. Yanas at 518-274-1363 ext. 4
Annointing of the Sick and Hospital Visits: If you or a loved one is admitted to the hospital and desire to be visited by the clergy, it is important that you identify yourself to hospital staff as a member of the Sacred Heart parish community and/or call the parish office and leave a message requesting a visit by Father.
Sacred Heart’s RCIA prepraration is for those adult Catholics who are either coming into the Catholic Faith or those baptized Catholics seeking to complete their Sacraments of Initiation: Eucharist and/or Confirmation.
If you are interested in learning more about the RCIA process, please contact Mark Trudeau at [email protected]
Marriage Preparation is offered in both the late spring and late fall is held Monday evenings. If you have a need to complete Marriage Preparation at a different time, please let us know.
If you would like to register for Sacred Heart's Marriage Preparation Program, contact Mark Trudeau, email: [email protected]